If you have been looking at network marketing for a while now, then you must have come across GDI at some point. So, if you're researching about this company and want to know if GDI is the right MLM Company for you and if it could help you make money from your home, then you must go through this article.
What Is GDI?
GDI stands for Global Domains International. The company markets and promotes their ".ws" domain extension. They have been doing this successful for the past 8 years. The company began in 1990, and was started by Michael Reed and Alan Ezeir.
What Is The Product?
GDI sells the ".ws" domain extension. A ".ws" is like ".com" which are you're very familiar with, it's a top-level extension. Each country has been assigned with a domain extension, for example, the United Kingdom has been assigned with the ".uk" extension and the United States with the ".us" extension. The ".ws" domain extension was assigned to the country of Samoa. The founders of GDI thought that it would be a great idea to promote the ".ws" extension and make it a world-wide extension.
When you get started in this opportunity, you'll be given a 7 day free trial, and after that you will be charged $10 which will be recurring every month. For your $10 dollars every month, you will get your own domain name with the ".ws" domain extension, you will also get a hosting plan for your domain on fully managed servers, email service with 10 free email accounts and a website builder for easy website designing and tuning.
The Compensation Plan
GDI offers you a compensation plan that is 5 levels deep. It pays you $1 for every person in your team for 5 levels. The company also gives you the chance to earn weekly and monthly bonuses to help you earn much more money, for each 5 people you refer within a week, from Sunday night to Monday morning, you will earn $100.
I think GDI is a great company to work with, and it gives you the opportunity to make a lot of money. But, like all the other MLM business opportunities out there, you need to work hard and put a lot of effort into it if you want to make it work. There is no such thing as "instant success" so do NOT expect to be rich overnight.
Go to My GDI Company Review to learn the secrets of the top producers!
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11 years ago
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