The internet has become saturated with so many websites today that it is hard to receive a domain name using the ".com" ending. Two men, Michael Reed and Alan Ezeir, had an idea on how to fix it and they started Global Domains International (GDI), and this GDI review will review their business.
Before we talk about the business it is important to understand how they came to be. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) was created to give each country an internet code, such as: The US received ".us". Also, they gave codes for other purposes, such as: ".com" for commercial uses.
The problem is as more people began using the internet it became hard to get a ".com" domain name, so Michael Reed and Alan Ezeir created GDI in order to help start a new code. They code they chose was ".ws" which stood for web site. The problem was this code was already given to the nation of Western Samoa. The two went and negotiated with the King and purchased the code.
Shortly after acquiring the code they were able to sell over 100,000 domain names and quickly rose to the top 40 of Inc. Magazine's Inc. 500 Fastest Growing Private Companies. Their success continues as their company continues to grow.
So, what does this company provide you with? Sign up for their 7 day free trial and you will receive your domain name, 10 email address, a website creator, access to exclusive forums, and more. All of this will only cost you $10 a month once the 7 day trial ends.
Besides acquiring your own .ws domain name, how can you turn this into a business opportunity? Every person you refer to get their own .ws domain name will earn you 10% of their monthly fee, or $1/month. This deal applies for 5 downlines.
An example of this would be if you refer 5 people, and they all refer 5 people, and so on for 5 downlines, you will earn $3,905 monthly! That is a good chunk of change for simply referring someone to purchase a domain name. Also, for every 5 people you refer/7 day period you receive a $100 bonus, and it continues, so for every 10 people you refer/7 day period you receive $200 bonus, and so on.
This is a great business opportunity for you for two reasons. One, you receive a domain name which will separate you from domain names that are already overcrowded. Also, you can earn good money referring people to join this business opportunity. This is a win-win for everyone.
Global Domain International is an excellent business opportunity for you. You can earn money and have your business stand out with a unique domain name. Hopefully this GDI review has allowed you to learn more about the GDI business and if it is something you are interested in.
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11 years ago
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