The title of this article is designed to illustrate the point of this article. Today, we will not take a look at the black hat search engine optimization tactics. Admittedly, I have toyed with them in a "know your enemy" kind of way, but I am not an expert on advanced cloaking technology or effective link sp @ mming tactics. What we will cover here is the hidden (ie, dark) areas effective optimization strategy.
I have written many times in previous articles and blog posts to use tricks to rank your site is high, in the end, inefficient, which means a trick manipulation of the ranking formula and eventually become obsolete as the search engines work to advance their algorithmearchs and off such possible abuse . But I will illustrate some of the tricks we use to drive traffic to our site. Is this a conflict? Not really, these "tricks" is not so much focused on search engines as they are the owners of sites and visitors. These are marketing tricks, not SEO tricks - they just happen to help you with your ranking.
Before we begin, we will look at an important point about Google. When will the majority on Google they think of the dominant search engine (and that they would be right) But if Google was mainly a search engine, they would be much less than they are now. No, they are an advertising company and the world's largest in that. Therefore, they need traffic, market share, and click. They need you to love, visit it often to visit their other properties and offers that Gmail. If you do this, the odds click one of the paid advertisements is increasing and their primary function is fulfilled. It is driven by this that Google has developed the most complex search algorithm that has ever existed. Their search is their primary source of traffic. The better the results, the more you will return, the more likely you will click on an ad, the more revenue they generate (which led to their continued increases in reported income quarter-after-qu species). Why is this important? Since this is the driving force in their current algorithm and will be for the foreseeable future, we can assume that any measures that increase the relevant traffic to your site, increases the stickiness of your site and / or increasing the number of links from relevant sites to your help your ranking and it will help Google to keep their loyal visitors. Keyword Research Tool
Let us also recall the purpose of this article. This is not an article on black hat search engine optimization tactics, it is about the hidden aspects of SEO that is often overlooked. And so, without further ado, let's get down to the meat - what is the dark tactics that you can use to increase your site's ranking.
Building A Sticky Site
One point that I have done in previous articles that I will reinforce this as opposed to "conflicts" will be that the importance of a sticky site. Certainly, monitoring your statistics to assess the visitors' behaviour is an important method of conversions on your site, but it is important from a search engine optimization perspective is often overlooked. I have mentioned before, and I will mention again, the search engines have the ability to monitor the length of time a visitor spends between visits to the engine. If you're on Google, type in "seo services" in the Beanstalk and visit the site but only spend 5 seconds there before clicking the back button Google can conclude that the place was not what you're looking for. If it were 5 or 10 minutes prior to returning back to Google they could thus conclude that you found the content you have found useful in your search.
So let us put it more obvious, with a website where visitors can find what they're looking for quickly, easily and in a visually appealing way will increase his time on your site, which will thus increase the adoption of search engines you are relevant to the phrase user have asked. This will strengthen your site really belongs among the largest site. As a disclaimer: this works on a large scale so that they are not going to run away and clicking through to your competitors and quickly pressing the back button. First, it is unethical (such as clicking their paid links), and second, it does not work like that (how big hole, it would be in the algorithm), so it would just be a waste of your time.
On how to build a sticky site, I leave for designers (as a SEO - my expertise lies more in understanding the mathematical formula).
Clickability Counts
The engines that know when your site is displayed in a number of search results and the additional know how often your site clicks on when it was shown. The more often your site is selected, when presented in a set of results all the more relevant, it is assumed to be, and thus are more entrenched, it will be in the range of results (assuming your stickiness issues are addressed).
This means that your title and description question, not only as a part of the traditional search engine optimization tactics we have used them since the 90s but also to draw visitors to your site. Fortunately, the end goal for engines that fits your own ultimate aim should be for your site - maximize traffic. Let us look at two examples of titles that Beanstalk site could have:
An old-school over-optimized title: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services Company | Beanstalk search engine | SEO, Internet Marketing, Link Building, Consulting, Education & Copywriting
Our current title: Expert SEO Services by Beanstalk
Can you see it differently? While our title changes regularly as we experiment with new titles of CTR, we always keep it short, easy to read, and always such that the whole of the title appears in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). Our CTR are much higher with shorter titles than longer, and we have seen the same results with the client sites.
The same goes for your description tag, but they are a little different. With your description tag you want to make sure to include your targeted keywords and make the copy compelling to an applicant. The reason for this is that when searched keywords are including in your description, is usually the description that appears in the SERPs. This allows you to decide how the ad world to appear. You write your book, you write your description - to write both good and your CTR will increase. And when your CTR go up implicit relevance of the engines will adopt your site is that this phrase will increase by it and thus so will your ranking for that phrase.
Getting people to link to you
We will not be able to discuss the mutual relationship building, directory submissions, or other usual suspects. There are countless articles out there with them; what we will focus on this tactic is to get items to be picked up sharply the resources you want to get them in (and if you're reading this - you know it works) and ways to have links to both search engines and you'll love the most - the ones you do not ask for or work outside of creating a great site with useful content. The best part of these links is that they not only work to increase your link popularity, but they also tend to run high traffic to your site. Let us start with the articles.
When you work for publishing an article that there are two main target group members: readers and, more importantly, the editors (I say all, because they are the ones who will determine if you have any readers at all). There are some tactics to increase both:
1. Write an exciting title. This may come back to what I did in the first paragraph. Everyone is interested in the black hat search engine optimization, even those of us who do not practice it. Readers will be drawn to what it receives relatively low coverage, and editors like to publish something that they believe may draw some controversy. Although this article does not get into the black hat tactics that some editors might have hoped, it will pull them and get their attention.
2. Finding quality related resources and get the article published there. In general, use a tool that PR Prowler to find good-quality resources to submit articles to. You can do it manually using a search engine, the PR Prowler only speeds up the process so much that after its first use it paid for itself. You want to see the places you send, be related to your industry and you want them to provide a link back. If you can setup the link anchor text instead of your URL - the better.
3. Keep a list and add to it. If you intend to publish several articles are not starting from scratch each time. Keep a list and try to add a few places that with each submission. This will keep the list grows and you get more exposure links with time.
4. Have a good relationship with the editors. They are the end-all be-all of this tactic will work or not as a link and traffic building tactics. Make sure you are polite and not write nasty e-mails if you get a reduction. Read what they say and make sure to take this into account in future articles.
But if you do not want to establish contacts with the articles, what if you want to have links to old-fashioned way (and I talk about the old old old way - you know, before there was any SEO value to it). What happens if you want to get people to link to you just because they like the content (I know, shocking but it actually happens!) There are some different factors that must be considered to achieve this. Here are some important rules to follow:
1. You have to create content that others want to link. This is an art in and of itself. I wrote about some of the basic rules of work on this in a previous article "Building Link Bait" so I will not repeat it here.
2. Get the bait to social bookmarking sites. This will get people interested in your topic aware of it. If it is good, they can link to it. Do not just focus on Digg and other oil companies, look around for some sector bookmarking sites. For example, when the article is finished, I will work to get it in Sphinn, a SEO bookmarking site.
3. Get the bait in forums and / or blogs. I'm not talking about the blog sp @ mming here, I talk about to find blogs and forums that are related to your subject and that visitors can actually helped the tools, information, etc. that you specify. Do not worry about the blog has rel = "nofollow" on the links. The aim is webmaster of awareness, not to have links from blogs (I'll leave it to another article).
4. Promoting the bait on your site. Use banners, links to your blog, etc. to create awareness.
5. Enter the code to link to your bait. The easier you make it for people to link to you, the more of them. Enter the code with a text and banner options and you will increase the number of people will link to you.
6. Put out a press release. If there is sufficient novelty, put out a press release. If the media grabs that you have won the lottery, both in advertising and in highly valued links.
7. If the substance in your bait is searched for engines, ranking. :) Keyword Research Tool
So it is the darker arts, we are talking about. Not black hat, just overlooked most often. Add these to your repertoire of ideas as to optimize and link building for the site, and you've given yourself an up over most if not all of your competitors.
If the author
Dave Davies is the owner of Beanstalk search engine. Beanstalk offer guaranteed search engine optimization services and consulting, training, links building, and copywriting. For do-it-yourselfers they offer free SEO tools that often publishes on its SEO blog to keep you up to date with the latest happenings in the search engine optimization world.
11 years ago
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