Since publishing a few thoughts and suggestions on listbuilding with free services a short while ago, several people have emailed me and asked if there is anything that is more effective than others, and whether it's really possible to build and use a list without the services of a professional autoresponder.
I've been testing various systems for a while now and there is definitely one system that stands head and shoulders above the rest.
The system utilizes the power of My Viral Spiral which, if you can afford the price tag, is an awesome viral listbuilding tool. Having said that, it's probably not within reach of many.
However, the way MVS works can still benefit you, even if you can't justify buying the system for yourself. How? Well, the MVS system works on the basis of helping others to build lists while you build your own, and you can pass on the list love as a means of growing your own list. It is viral marketing taken to another level in effect.
So, how can you benefit? Well, if you are prepared to join my list, all will be revealed!
Sorry, just kidding, I'll tell you how it works. If you join the mailing list by filling in your details in my right sidebar (The $47 dollar value offer which is well well worth reading in any case), you will become a member of the viral listbuilding machine and have access to various free products to aid you in your own list building. Or you can sign up by clicking on the link below if you prefer
Get your Free Listbuilding System Here
Whenever anybody signs up to your list, they in turn become part of the viral list building process and will be helping you to build a list ten levels deep.
You don't need an autoresponder for this to work for you, as you an email your list every five days through an online mailer. However, if you do have an account with Aweber, Get Response or Email Aces, you can fully integrate your autoresponder with this system.
This is about as easy as listbuilding gets, trust me. I can't guarantee that it will bring you thousands of subscribers, but it's a great place to start if you're thinking of doing so. It's very easy to implement as you'll see when you sign up. There are lots of bonus benefits such as integration of your own product or affiliate landing pages, easy to use sign up forms and squeeze pages, rebrandable viral digital products and it's all free.
Yes, that's right, you can use this system entirely free of charge. You don't have to have an autoresponder. I think you will be very pleasantly surprised :-)
It's never too early to start building your list!
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